Opera Holland Park is a registered charity (number 1096273) located at 37 Pembroke Road, London W8 6PW. Please find information on our polices for Privacy, Protection of Children and Adults at Risk (Safeguarding), Cookies, Terms and Conditions and Sustainability below. For any inquiries regarding these policies, please contact us at info@operahollandpark.com.

Please find information on our Privacy Policy

Opera Holland Park is committed to respecting and protecting your personal information in compliance with the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We aim to be transparent about the information we collect from you, how we use it, and how we protect it. This policy outlines our data practices and should be read alongside our terms and conditions.

Please find information on our Policy for the Protection of Children and Adults at Risk (Safeguarding). 

Opera Holland Park believes that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. We recognise that the care, protection and welfare of children and adults at risk is paramount and that these groups have the right to be protected from all types of harm.

Opera Holland Park recognises that it has a fundamental duty of care towards all children and adults at risk who participate in Opera Holland Park activities, whether as a performer, visitor or through an activity or project. This applies to everything Opera Holland Park does regardless of where it is delivered and includes online / digital delivery. This includes a duty to protect people from abuse.

Please find information on our Cookies Policy.

This policy outlines how we use cookies on our website in compliance with current UK law. Cookies are small text files stored on your computer by your browser. They are used by websites to enhance user experience, provide personalised content, and track visitors’ activities on the site.

Please find information on our Terms and Conditions – Ticketing Policy

All tickets are sold subject to availability and are subject to these terms and conditions. Once read, any issues relating to them should be raised with us before purchase. Purchase of tickets represents acceptance of these terms and conditions.

Please find information on our Sustainability Policy

Opera Holland Park is committed to sustainability and reducing our impact on the environment. We believe that artistic institutions should be at the forefront of leading the conversation on environmental sustainability and social responsibility.