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A is for Ariadne Feature

A is for Ariadne

Anna Picard explores the myth of Ariadne, opera’s first abandoned woman, in music by Monteverdi, Birtwistle, Haydn and Strauss

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Podcast: In conversation with Annie Lydford Podcast

Podcast: In conversation with Annie Lydford

In this episode, James is joined by Annie Lydford, Managing Director of Nevill Holt Opera. The two of them discuss arts careers, Annie's new role at Nevill Holt Opera, the welcome return of socially distanced live music making, and the innovations of the arts industry during the time of COVID-19.

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Food for the soul – a live recording at Holland Park News

Food for the soul – a live recording at Holland Park

On Saturday 4 July we were delighted to take our first steps towards a homecoming. We were determined to make music in Holland Park this summer, with City of London Sinfonia, and rehearsed and recorded a selection of arias from our principal artists to be incorporated into a film.

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