As a charity, we rely heavily on the support of our volunteers, making their commitment and enthusiasm even more crucial to our success. Without them, our productions and community initiatives would simply not be possible. Our volunteers give us more than just their time and effort. They share their expertise, opinions and provide us with valuable insights on how we can grow, enriching our work in countless ways. 

While our summer season is undoubtedly our busiest time, our volunteers are active all year round. From helping during performances to assisting us at the office, there are many ways to get involved and make a difference. 

We are thrilled to highlight the experiences of ten of our many wonderful volunteers. THANK YOU to all our volunteers for their unwavering support and dedication ❤️


What inspired you to volunteer at Opera Holland Park?

What inspired me to volunteer at Opera Holland Park was my love for the passion of opera and my admiration for their critically acclaimed productions in the beautiful and historic Holland Park. The team’s professionalism and appreciation for volunteers make it a joy to contribute to their mission of sharing opera’s benefits with the community. I am very happy to be part of this team! – Gabriela Lopez


What specific role or task do you enjoy the most as a volunteer?

Our favourite role as volunteers is selling programmes from the programme desk. We love the opportunity of chatting to fellow opera lovers and being welcoming. Also, as we have done this for a few years now, we can usually answer all the enquiries and help people. We also enjoy the atmosphere of the air of anticipation about the opera everyone has come to see – Joanna and Nigel Allsop


Have you learned anything surprising or unexpected about Opera Holland Park through your volunteer work? 

At Opera Holland Park, I have discovered that talent shines both on stage and in the front-of-house team. It is a delightful surprise when the person directing you, booking your tickets, or pouring your glass of wine is the same incredible talent you saw performing the night before. You get to chat with them, hear their thoughts on the season, and learn about their artistic careers, creating a uniquely special atmosphere that makes Opera Opera Holland Park truly stand out – Geraldine Pryor


What motivates you to continue volunteering at Opera Holland Park?

The volunteers at OHP feel like a real family team, with different ages and backgrounds. I really enjoy coming in to help, be it welcoming guests on the front steps (though I know loads of regulars, which makes for lots of chatting) to selling programs with team members at the desk or roaming the picnic tables checking out people’s culinary skills. Being able to enjoy the ambiance of the theater and the last rush before curtain up is quite intoxicating. On a sunny summer evening, it’s perfect – Tim Hardy


Can you share a particularly rewarding moment you have had while volunteering that stands out to you?

On 7 June 2011, when I was on stage door duty for the performance of Donizetti’s comedia dell’arte-inspired Don Pasquale to be conducted by world-renowned Richard Bonynge husband of the late Joan Sutherland. Members of the public came to the stage door claiming to be friends, relatives and admirers wanting to have a word with him.  Several times I had to go to the Maestro and tell him that someone wanted to speak to him. He was very nice to me and said he would see people after the performance.  I was in awe of such a world-famous conductor and that was a rewarding moment for me – Ruth Wyman


How do you think your volunteer contributions have made a difference to Opera Holland Park and its community?

When volunteering at OHP, my aim is always to raise the profile of the company and to engender in others the enthusiasm I have for it. I like to tell people something new about the company. While selling programmes to picnickers on the Terrace, I might suggest they become members to enjoy all the benefits, including discounted programmes as well as tickets. When speaking to passers-by on Open Day, I talk about the Young Artists programme and tell those unfamiliar with OHP about the nurturing of young singers and of how many of them have become global stars over the years. Many people do not realise that an opera house in the park can have world-class standards – Judy Williams


What advice would you give to someone considering volunteering with Opera Holland Park?

Do it! It’s hugely rewarding knowing that you are helping a great arts organisation (especially Opera Holland Park). As a bonus you get to meet some lovely people and hear fabulous music – Linda Shaughnessy


Are there any upcoming performances at Opera Holland Park that you are particularly excited about being involved in?

There is always a great variety at OHP, but I am particularly excited about their first production of a Handel opera, Acis and Galatea, first performed over 300 years ago! Fingers crossed that we may see more Handel in future! – Linda Farrell


Have you had the opportunity to attend any performances or rehearsals as a result of your volunteer work? If so, do you have a favourite production or moment?

What a fantastic experience! For opera enthusiasts like myself, being able to see behind the scenes as a OHP volunteer, and then watch the show unfold flawlessly from the stands as a spectator, offers an entirely new outlook on this mesmerizing form of art. Rossini’s Barbiere di Siviglia dress rehearsal was truly outstanding! The singing, the acting, the costumes, the atmosphere, all made for a memorable evening. I have seen other productions of Barbiere in the past, but the one I attended at OHP was at once amusing, fulfilling, and magical. And this timeless opera buffa was the perfect initiation to opera for my 15-year-old son, who could not get enough! – Salvatore Murtas


What does Opera Holland Park mean to you, and why do you think it’s important for the community? 

I have been coming to Opera Holland Park for over 20 years and am in my eighth year of volunteering, five of which have been as Volunteer Manager. In that time, Opera Holland Park has become family to me.  I have made so many new friends, met some lovely singers and musicians and seen some glorious operas, some of which you rarely get to see anywhere else. A striking thing about Opera Holland Park is you do not just see the same operagoers that you might meet at other operatic venues. You also see lots of people from the local community who clearly savour the more informal atmosphere and respond enthusiastically to the shows. That is why Opera Holland Park is such an important part of Holland Park life – Stephen Ratcliffe