How long have you been a supporter at OHP?

I have been a supporter of OHP for at least 17 years, initially as a Friend, then an Envoy, and finally becoming an Ambassador in 2022.


In 2023 you were part of the Element Hunters who bought an element on the periodic table to support Itch. Can you tell us about your experience?

The most memorable experience was joining in the reception for Element Hunters hosted by OHP before the opening night. There was a tremendous sense of excitement, of being a part of something magical about to happen. And we were not let down.


What made you want to support Itch?

For OHP to maintain and strengthen its standing as an opera house, I do not think it can simply rely on productions of the classics, such as Tosca, Cosi fan tutte, La traviata, etc. etc., much as I have enjoyed OHP’s productions of these. Instead, I think it must expand its repertoire, innovate, and indeed challenge its audiences. I was concerned that a brand new opera might not receive an enthusiastic response, and was therefore determined to assist in bringing a new opera to the stage. I should add that I was also a Jonathan Dove virgin, so was not quite sure what the music I was supporting would turn out to be!


When you came to watch Itch, how did it feel knowing you had contributed to the making of this production?

I felt immensely proud and thrilled. I just loved the production, and succeeded in persuading friends who would not normally set foot in an opera house to go along to see Itch.


Do you think there was something special about being part of a giving-syndicate?

There is a sense of camaraderie in being part of a syndicate. And OHP did a fantastic job of advising the Element Hunters of progress with, and development of, the production, with regular updates. This for me increased the feeling of involvement.


You also support our Young Artists. Why do you believe this is important?

This is easy to answer. We have to nurture and develop young artists for opera to remain vibrant. And it is wonderful to see how the Young Artists programme is working, with increasing numbers of alumni starring in main productions over the years.


Why do you think it is important for people to prioritise giving to the arts?

I am not sure I would say that it is important to “prioritise” giving to the arts. I think there are other equally worthwhile areas for charitable giving, but I would say that one should always consider giving to the arts, alongside other gifts.


What would you say to someone considering supporting Opera Holland Park?

Just do it! You will be helping a wonderful arts organisation, and joining a family which is well looked after, even loved, by that organisation. There will be no regrets.


Charles Cormick, Interview in January 2023