Amy Howe, Development Coordinator

Everything we do at Opera Holland Park is for the future. We strive to make opera accessible and affordable for our communities and engage the next generation through Inspire and our Young Artists programme. Ensuring opera lovers can continue to celebrate and enjoy one of the greatest art forms year-round is incredibly important to us, and we could not achieve our missions or reach our goals without the encouragement and generosity of our members and supporters. Any level of support – from an extra ticket purchase to sharing a post on social media – never goes unnoticed or unappreciated by the team or the hundreds of freelance staff that help us deliver our events each year. Thank you for believing in us!



Eleanor Lewin, Major Gifts and Philanthropy Manager

Supporting Opera Holland Park is vital in ensuring that opera has a continued place in our cultural landscape. Opera combines so many art forms including of course music, theatre, and visual arts, and offers a unique and immersive experience that has captivated audiences for centuries. By contributing to Opera Holland Park, you help ensure that future generations can enjoy and be inspired by these magnificent productions. Your support not only sustains the artists and craftsmen who bring opera to life but also fosters the OHP family in bringing together a whole community of opera lovers who celebrate creativity and artistic excellence. Without the generosity of our supporters, we simply could not continue. Thank you for your incredible support.



Marylou Sauviat, Development Coordinator

The generous support of our patrons is important to me, as it endorses inclusivity, welcoming us all into the magical world of opera. It allows us to empower educational initiatives which kindle the passion for this art form and reach out to communities, tearing down barriers. Together, we are not only preserving and promoting the arts; we are fostering an environment where creativity flourishes, ensuring that all future generations are inspired and enriched by the beauty of opera.

We deeply appreciate the various ways you can support us, whether it is by purchasing an extra ticket for that friend who might not know much about opera (but will surely be hooked after just one show!), your generosity in making a donation or volunteering your time and expertise to us.

Our thank you to you includes priority booking, special event invitations, opportunities to connect with our talented artists and access to our private bar, where I love to discover the stories behind your support!